Thursday, August 09, 2007

Things are looking up!

Didn’t weep today. No compulsive screaming. Fouled myself after I got off the train.

Yep, I’m making progress.

Cuticles are mostly healed. Left eyebrow has grown back!

Look out world, I’m going to straight for your gonads, because I am mostly not speaking in the voice of a small child in meetings. This is the new me, mostly free of stains, upperplate in and accounted for, truss waxed and flexible.

The gum wrappers have been ironed and filed. My neighbors are returning my gaze again. Things are looking up!

Phone soliticitors are accepting my apologies and the local priest has put away his holy water. 2007 is going to be my year!

Newspaper editorial only beg for pity on my behalf, instead of the rope. So I got that going for me.

My mailbox doesn’t tick and my wife has stopped asking for my ID.

I feel it. I’ve got the bass ring!

Now if I could just do something about this pesky stigmata.

Yep, I’m making progress.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

far out and FUNNY

*ez 2 please

4:02 PM  
Blogger Geoffrey Milder said...

Things are looking up.


7:42 AM  

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