Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Puzzling Synchronicities

Meat space pal Mac recently interviewed meat space pal Toby about Toby's efforts to have a statue of George Plimpton put in Manhattan. You can read the piece here.
The story is sort of inspiring, in a dreamer taking on City Hall sort of way.

The point of this post is, Toby and Mac, both people I know from California, didn't know that the other one knew me. It's also confounding that I wasn't brought up, EVEN TANGENTIALLY, when I am sort of a rad guy.

Thrilling factums about this meeting:

*Toby has met Mac's stepbrother Abe.

*I have slept at Toby's house. I have not slept at Mac's house, or I might have. I spent the night at SOMEONE'S house in Santa Cruz one night years ago. It may have been Mac's. I don't know. Mac was in the room as I slept.

*Mac sort of asked me about becoming a copywriter years ago, a conversation that I in turn had with Toby years ago. I took Toby's advice. Mac took my advice. We're both better off.

*Neither Mac or Toby have choked me, though I'm sure Toby may have come close a couple of times.

*I used to eat breakfast with Toby regularily. I had lunch with Mac last time I was in New York.

*Both Mac and Toby are writers.

*Both Mac and Toby have massive blue eyes and giant heads. If a myopic person saw them walking side by side down the avenue, I'm guessing they'd look like Cerberus, but with a limp because Toby is taller than Mac. Also Cerberus had three heads, so scratch the whole thing.

*Both Mac and Toby know I guy I know sort of of, Jim Hanas.

*I interviewed Mac's dad here.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a couple of 'good eaters.'

1:45 PM  
Blogger i'm marion said...

You know what I'm wondering? Who on earth came up with the term meat space?!

1:55 PM  
Blogger Geoffrey Milder said...

So that would be like a blog-meatspace crossover confluence by proxy, right?


p.s. Met Donna Barker of "Shattering Rose Coloured Glasses," this week!

12:37 PM  
Blogger Greg Mills said...

You met Donna! That's cool. What's it a good time? Were yams consumed?

1:06 PM  
Blogger Geoffrey Milder said...

But of course yams (or sweet potatoes, as the case may be) were consumed! You can read all about it here:



7:56 AM  
Blogger Pursey Tuttweiler said...

Interesting that you know these two people but neither of them knew you knew the other. I love George Plimpton and Toby and Mac's journey to see him memorialized is incredible. Great story.

My blog address has changed to http://grandpalace.blogspot.com/
and the title is Live at The Gay Agenda. I am preparing for my marriage to Woody Tobias, Jr. If you think weddings are weird, as discussed with Hank, you will love this one and of course you are invited.

8:14 AM  
Blogger @DJNoRequest said...

I'm jealous you had lunch with mac but not me when in NYC. strange we both found our more successful similarly named Australian counterparts on Google.

Non-sequiturs rule the day today

7:35 AM  
Blogger How I Died Today said...

No fair meeting Donna!

11:38 AM  
Blogger Greg Mills said...

Died Today -- You still in town? Donna is coming to Cali in April.

10:57 AM  

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